Request Form

Need any E-book or Slides or Solution set or something else for WASE?

Mail Me Contact me with the below details:

Subject : "Wipro - WASE: Request"
What do you need? E-Book/Solution set/PPT/what else?
Book Name: (Give the full name of the book including publisher name & Edition)

I will try my best to find it and post it here in a 2-3 days.


  1. If you do not use the subject of your mail as "Wipro - WASE: Request" 99.99% chances are there for me to delete your mail. Do not blame me, as hundreds of spammers are flooding my inbox everyday.
  2. Forget not to mention the Edition & Publishers name.
  3. Please do give all the possible details of the book or whatever you are asking for. It will help me find out things sooner!
  4. Do NOT request me to mail you the books, I just can not! I want everyone else to make the utmost use of this blog and all your requests will be fulfilled here. Check back this blog in 2 or  3 days after your request. 
  5. If you do not find your  requested book/PPT here in 2 or 3 days, it means I am held up with something or I did not manage to find the book. Do not worry I still will keep trying my best to get you what you have aske d for.
Feel free to send in your requests! :)


  1. Shobhit  

    October 12, 2009 at 9:39 PM

    sir,my name is shobhit,doing bca from ip university and iam really intersted in ur wipro wase programm and desperate to get selection in it
    can u please send some previous yr papers or sample papers to me?

  2. Shobhit  

    October 12, 2009 at 9:40 PM

    sir,my name is shobhit,doing bca from ip university and iam really intersted in ur wipro wase programm and desperate to get selection in it
    can u please send some previous yr papers or sample papers to me?

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