Fifth Semester

Each semester in WASE consists of four subjects. The fifth semester includes:

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Role of Algorithms in Computing, Algorithm Analysis, Growth functions, Recurrences, Advanced Data Structures, Dynamic and Greedy Programming, Network flows, Arithmetic Circuits, Number Theoretic Algorithms, NP – Completeness

Network Programming

Overview of computer networks; inter-process communication; network programming; Socket interface; client-server computing model; design issues, concurrency in server and clients; external data representation; remote procedure calls

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Object orientation concepts, theories and principles; Fundamental concepts of the object model; classes, objects, methods and messages, encapsulation and inheritance, interface and implementation, reuse and extension of classes, inheritance and polymorphism; Process of object-oriented requirements specification, analysis and design; Notations for object-oriented analysis and design; Case studies and applications using some object oriented programming languages.

Technical Communication

Role and importance of communication; effectiveness in oral and written communication; technical reports; technical proposals; Research Papers, Interpersonal Communication; business correspondence; précis writing; memorandum; notices, agenda and minutes; oral communication related to meetings, seminars, conferences, group discussions, etc.; use of modern communication aids.
Scope And Learning Objectives Of The Course:

  • To introduce the learners to the nuances of various genres of technical communication, both oral and written
  • To guide students through self-study and assignments, in performing their communicative tasks in real-life work environment.
  • To enable them strengthen their oral and written communication skills so that they can achieve their professional goals more effectively.


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