Sixth Semester

Each semester in WASE consists of four subjects. The sixth semester includes:

Internetworking Technologies

The course aims at providing a sound conceptual foundation in the area of Multimedia Internetworking Technologies with emphasis on the design aspects. At the end of this course, students should be able to analyze, design, troubleshoot, configure, mange and maintain commonly used internetwork types apart from being able to begin Internetwork-oriented software development.

Multimedia Computing

The aim of this course is to introduce the concepts of multimedia computing techniques as used for various data streams, multimedia networks, operating systems and architecture. Emphasis will be given to theoretical, algorithmic and advanced architectural aspects of multimedia system design along with, detailed coverage of latest compression techniques available for text, images, audio and video data. After successful completion of the course student should be able to apply the concepts and techniques to various problem domains concerned with multimedia based applications and solutions.

Software Quality Management

Software Quality Management Concepts, Implementing quality models in the organization, characteristics of Initial Process, Repeatable process, Defined process, Managed Process and Optimizing Process, SQA and SEPG functions, Software planning and configuration management, Software Process Definition, Statistical Methods, Software Metrics, Optimizing Process, and Framework for Software Process Change

Software Architecture

Scope of the Course

  • To understand architectural abstractions, localizing and codifying the ways components interact, and distinguish among the various ways in which architectural principles can be applied to software system and analysis and design.
  • To present a pattern-oriented approach to software architecture, without restricting to a particular paradigm say, object oriented.


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