Each semester in WASE consists of four subjects. The seventh semester includes:
Data Warehousing
Introduction, Evolution of data warehousing; decision support systems; goals, benefit, and challenges of data warehousing; architecture; data warehouse information flows; software and hardware requirements; approaches to data warehouse design; creating and maintaining a data warehouse; Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and multi-dimensional data, multi-dimensional modeling; view materialization; data marts; data warehouse metadata; data mining.
Scope and Objectives
Corporate decision makers require access to all the organization’s data, wherever it is located. To provide comprehensive analysis of the organization, its business, its requirements and any trends, require access to not only the current data in the database but also to historical data. To facilitate this type of analysis, data warehouses have been created to contain data drawn from several sources, maintained by different departments of the organization. This course will involve an in-depth study of various concepts needed to design and develop a data warehouse. It also provides an introduction to data mining and end user access tools for a data warehouse.
Network Security
The primary goal of the course is to introduce the student to system and application design aspects of network security including cryptographic, systemic and computational security aspects of the network / internetwork systems.
Scope and Objectives
The course covers fundamental aspects of security in a modern networked environment with the focus on system design aspects and cryptography in the specific context of network / inter-network security. It also dwells into basics of cryptographic techniques, algorithms and protocols required to achieve these properties; computational issues in implementing cryptographic protocols and algorithms; and system/application design issues in building secure networked systems
Software Project Management
A perspective on Software Management that emphasizes a balanced view of theory & practice, technology & people, customer value & provider profitability, strategies and tactics.
Objectives and Scope of this course: The purpose of this course is to provide a guideline to managing a successful software engineering project. Emphasis will be on the following topics:
- Management theory and practice.
- Functionality and framework of management.
- Management disciplines.
- Modern profiles and next generation process transitions.
- Case Study.
Software Testing Methodologies
The course aims at providing a sound conceptual foundation in the area of Software Testing Methodologies with emphasis on concepts and techniques for testing and analysis of software. Software testing at unit, subsystem and system levels; Specification based testing and code based testing; Model based testing. Techniques and methods for software test generation and validation. The Software Analysis: Static and Dynamic. Testing Object Oriented Software. The types of software testing: Regression and interoperability. The software test process and management.
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