Third Semester

Each semester in WASE consists of four subjects. The third semester includes:

Computer Organization & Architecture

Overview of logic design; Instruction set architecture; Assembly language programming; Pipelining; Computer Arithmetic; Control unit; Memory hierarchy; Virtual Memory; Input and output systems; Interrupts and exception handling; Implementation issues; Case Studies.
This course covers the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture from programmer’s perspective

Data Structure & Algorithms

Introduction to software design principles, modularity, abstract data types, data structures and algorithms; Analysis of algorithms; Linear data structures – stacks, arrays, lists, queues and linked representations; Pre-fix, in-fix and post-fix expressions; Recursion; Set operations; Hashing and hash functions; Binary and other trees, traversal algorithms, Huffman codes; Search trees, priority queues, heaps and balanced tress; Sorting techniques; Graphs and digraphs; Algorithmic design paradigms; Data structures for external storage, multi-way search and B-trees.

Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Design, Patterns, Java Programming including User Interface Programming and multithread programming.

Software Engineering

Software Engineering Concepts and Methodologies; Formal Requirements Specification; Estimation; Software Project Planning; Detailed Design; Techniques of Design; Productivity; Documentation; Programming Language Styles; Code Review; Tools; Integration & Validation; Software Quality Assurance; Software Maintenance; Automated Tools in Software Engineering.


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